Kids Murals Are an Excellent Way to Decorate Your Kid's Room

Painting murals provides an endlessly versatile and bountiful freedom of creative expression in any room or building anywhere, nowhere more apparent than in a child's bedroom. You can save yourself a bundle of money and time as well as create more intricate and detailed fantasy realms for your child by simply painting the visionary designs you and your child imagine on the very walls of their bedroom and/or custom theme bed.

A Mural on a Custom Theme Bed?

Why not? Most custom theme beds come equipped with lots of surface area that needs to be painted anyway, one way or another. Rather than covering it with a swath of one or two colors, why not take this opportunity to paint a three-dimensional mural on the outside (and inside?) walls of your child's custom theme bed. This will invariably give it much more depth and detail that it could ever have otherwise.

A quality custom theme bed often includes other functional elements built in, like dresser drawers, shelves, chests, closets, desk tops, etc., all of which can be incorporated into the mural for further emphasizing the fantasy theme and obscuring the utilitarian nature of the piece.

Murals Can Be Anything

The possibilities of images, dreamscapes, and fantasy creations you can produce with murals are limitless and unparalleled in all the world of interior design. From their favorite storybook characters to faraway places to objects of myth and fantasy, there's literally no image you can't reproduce with paint.

You don't even have to be a fantastic painter, nor do you have to pay hefty sums to hire a professional artist to do the job, so long as the images you create please and inspire your child's imagination.

Children Love to Paint

You can even have your child help with the painting. Beyond the obvious benefit of turning the renovation of his or her bedroom into a shared family activity, by having your child participate in the mural painting you give them a personal investment in the outcome and a way to place their unique personal stamp on the design, making the finished product feel even more their own.

Murals Are Theme Aid

Whether you paint it freehand or use stencils, mural painting can enhance any theme imaginable. Bring out the details of the bedroom's theme, especially those details too exotic, fancy, expensive, unrealistic, or otherwise unobtainable with a simple paintbrush and palette of colors. You can literally make magic happen in a child's bedroom with the simple creative application of paint.

